Harness the power of Location Data

Welcome to the Latlong API documentation. Users can use our API endpoints, which can get information on various location based services like reverse geocode, locality based driving directions, locality based auto-complete and geocode/geosearch.

Auto-Complete API

This endpoint returns matched location suggestion along with their unique identity number based on entered characters. API initially tries to match entered text within user’s state. If it don’t find any results then it will searches for match in India level. Results are populated based on their popularity.

Landmark API

This endpoint returns 4 landmark in each direction.You can supply an address or latitude and longitude. When an address is supplied we use our Geocoding api to get latitude and longitude respectively.

Driving Distance API

This endpoint returns the driving distance between origin and destination. You can supply maximum 5 sets of destination seprated by |.

Driving Direction API

This endpoint returns the driving direction between origin and destination.

Distance Matrix API

This endpoint provides driving distance for a set of origins and destinations in a matrix form. The API returns the distance based on the recommended route between origin and destination points, as calculated by API, and consists of rows containing distance values for each pair.This API takes maximum of 3x3 matrix as input.You can supply maximum 3 sets of origins or destination seprated by |.

GeoCode API

This endpoint returns the latitude and longitude for the given address.

Reverse Geocode API

This endpoint returns the reverse geocoded address along with zipcode and nearest landmark for reference for the given geo point.

Geovalidation API

This endpoint returns the geo verification of given address and latitude-longitude with distance between the both.

Pincode API

This endpoint returns the state and city of a given pincode.